Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Closing Ceremonies

I thought Friday night's ceremony was energetic, but last night felt like a rock concert!  The excitement filled the air of the arena as teams from around the world danced to YMCA while we waited for it to start.  We had seats on the floor last night, which may have added to the energy level.  Despite the complaints of exhaustion, our team was in full force.  Kayla cheered on every team that won, calling out support to their hometown or congratulations to the team.  Michyla's face had a smile plastered on it the entire time and kept saying, "this is so fun!"

Although our team's name wasn't called, with the amount of smiles, laughter, and cheering going on from them you would have thought it was.  The team behind us won third place in their division and Lucy's eyes lit up!  "We're sitting in front of a winning team...that is SOOO cool!"

The most thrilling moment of the night, however, was when another Charlotte team place first in their division!  The Myers Park High School team was first place for the Full Circle problem.  The entire North Carolina section erupted in shouts and applause!  It was incredible!

After the ceremony we ushered the kids to the pre-teen after party.  Moon bounce, soda, pizza, and dancing awaiting them.  We were sure they would be past the point of tired when we picked them up, pleading to take the bus instead of walking back to the dorm, but once again they surprise the coaches!  They laughed and danced as we walked back for our last night in the dorms.

What a trip!  I am so glad I was able to be a part of this amazing experience.  Thank you all for sharing your children with three grateful and extremely proud coaches.  The kids represented Trinity well and we all had a wonderful time.

We're trying to head out of here around 9:00 a.m., putting us at TES around 5:00 p.m.  Keep your phones nearby and we'll have your child call with an update on timing when we are closer to Charlotte.  See you soon!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day Four

What better way to spend Memorial Day than in the heart of Washington D.C.  Although the 96 degree weather kept us hot and sweating the majority of the day, we had fun.  We started off at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, where the kids had their first taste of Astronaut ice cream!

Followed by a walk and lunch on the mall...

Mikayla has her first "Chicago Dog."
Clearly not Robie's first Chicago dog.

and a stop at the amazing Natural History Museum...
Classic Oriana with the big sun glasses on the head.

Day Three

The team was up early to get ready for their long-term performance at 8:30.  They were ready to do their best after a healthy breakfast (supplemented with a little sugar and caffeine).

Along with their scores the children receive sticky note compliments from the judges.  The team got one of the best compliments I would ever hope a team from Trinity would get..."I like your teamwork!  Real spirit of the Odyssey!"

We stuck around to watch a few more mouse-mobile performances then the kids had a little too much fun destroying their set. Will and Hudson, well, just take a look at the pictures below...

The rest of the afternoon was spent pin trading and watching other performances.  Grace's brother, Chris, had a wonderful performance of Le Tour Guide.  The team was wonderful at cheering on Coach Bob's son and wife's team.

The night was low key.  For some reason, the kids were pretty worn out. :)

Quick update...

We are spending the day exploring D.C. Currently we are looking around the Air and Space Museum. I'm excited to take the team to the Lincoln Memorial and hoping to make it to the top of the Washington Monument. What better way to spend Memorial Day!! :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Long-term performance pics

 "I feel sick.  Do I look a"

 "Mom!!! Phineas and Ferb are planning to drive around the world!"
 "Can you drop me off at the Eiffel Tower?"
 "I am the #1 Inventor"
 The cars pass the measuring check point.
 On our way in.
 Here we go!
 Answering the judges' questions.  They all look so serious!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day Two

We miraculously got every team member up and at 'em at 8 a.m.  After breakfast we headed over for pin trading (and a little more coffee for the coaches).  What a sight!  The food court area was jam packed with kids, each with their towel of pins rolled out in front of them.  Some, like Will, chose to find a seat and stay put.  He let the traders come to him.  Others meandered around the place scoping out the best choices for their trades.  It was an extreme exhibition of OM mania.  Check out the cool pics on the post from earlier today.

We were able to spend some time cheering on other Charlotte teams before we headed to Spontaneous.  The holding "cell," I mean room, was also full of energy and excitement.  Folks waiting to be called in to Spontaneous were keeping each other entertained with jokes, dances, and skits.  One group taught the macarana to us.  Our girls got up and sang/danced the Cupid Shuffle.  For some reason they couldn't convince Will and Hudson to join them...  Here are some before and after Spontaneous pics.

As embarrassed as I am to admit it, the coaches were made to "shake our booties" as the Spontaneous official "pinned a (Scottish) tail on the coaches."  We are supposed to wear these "tails" at all times this weekend and any time we are asked, "Hey coach, where did you get that tail?" We have to, well, just watch the video below...

Spontaneous over, the team is halfway done with our competition.  We celebrated tonight.  Robie and I walked the team back from loading the props to meet Bob for a "team meeting" on the "grassy knoll."  As we approached him, he attacked the kids with silly string!  A great fun way to congratulate them on finishing Spontaneous.

Tomorrow morning we'll wake up bright and early for breakfast and the long term performance.  Keep checking for more pictures and updates!

Collecting the teams for Spontaneous

"Now it's time for the pyramids..."

Pin Trading!